Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning

Hey there people.This is Amrit and I'm an addict.Addicted to cigarettes, addicted to being a contrarian, addcited to chicks who have a history of instability and parasitic tendencies, but mostly addicted to "tilting at the windmills" of the world, and preoccupying myself with these charming, if ultimately inconsequential quests while the "Real World" floats on by. As I approach the "End Of Days" i.e end of college, which in turn means that my days of freeloading on my parents is ending, I'm struck with the urge to record these days, if only for posterity's sake. I've never even maintained a diary or journal before, so bear with me and let us now begin , with the trusty Sancho Panza at my side, a Kings cigarette, and the ever-present blue grey smoke.